DCSA---Office Automation--1302(MCQ)

Page 01-18
Unit 1 Lesson 1
MCQ Answer: A-ii, B-ii, C-i (Page-05)
Unit 1 Lesson 2
MCQ Answer: A-i, B-iii, C-ii, D-iii, E-I, F-i, G-iv (Page-11, 12)
Unit 1 Lesson 3
MCQ Answer: A-i, B-ii, C-ii (Page-18)
Computer Programming (1303);
Page 01-23
Unit 1 Lesson 1
MCQ Answer: 1-D, 2-A, 3-A (Page-04)
Unit 1 Lesson 2
MCQ Answer: 1-C, 2-A, 3-C, 4-C, 5-A (Page-07)
Unit 2 Lesson 3
MCQ Answer: 1-A, 2-D, 3-A (Page-16)
Unit 2 Lesson 4
MCQ Answer: 1-D, 2-B, 3-A (Page-23).

Automation  -MCQ -By Mahfuzur Rahman

a. The use of office automation technology made prices lower by 
i)  10 to 20 percent
 ii)  10 to 30 percent
 iii)  30 to 40 percent
iv)  45 to 65 percent.

  b. Office automation facilitates the task of  
i) officers
ii) managers
 iii)  clerks
 iv) peons. 

c. Operating cost per hour of work declines with the use of  
i) office automation technology
 ii) computer controlled robot
iii)  hand-made tools
iv)   electronic-mail system.
a. An office is primarily concerned with  
i)  the records of the organization
 ii)  the files of the organization
 iii)  the letters of the organization
 iv)  the memos of the organization.  
b. The secondary functions may be divided into 
i) 3 categories
 ii) 4 categories
iii)  5 categories
iv)  7 categories. 

c. Office automation is a process that involves 
i) people, paper and procedure
 ii) people, procedure and technology
 iii)  man, machine and management
iv)  people, procedure and production.  

d. Increased productivity, greater accuracy, lower clerical cost and ease of operations are the benefits of 
i) offices
 ii)  organization
iii)   office automation
iv)   planning. 

e. Monotonous job specialization can lead to  
i) boredom, frequent errors, high  personnel turnover and high training cost
 ii) boredom, frequent errors, low personnel turnover and high training cost
iii)  boredom, non frequent errors, high personnel turnover and low training cost
 iv)  boredom, frequent errors, high personnel turnover and low training cost. 

f. Clerical employees have often been  
i) displaced by computers
 ii) honored by computers
iii)  rewarded by computers
iv)  dishonored by computers. 
g. Overvalued representation could be used in 
i) data manipulation
ii) criminal manipulation
iii)  file manipulation
iv)  record manipulation.

a. An office is primarily concerned with  
i)  the records of the organization
 ii)  the files of the organization
iii)  the letters of the organization
 iv)  the memos of the organization.

b. The secondary functions may be divided into 
i) 3 categories
ii) 4 categories
 iii)  5 categories
iv)  7 categories. 

c. Office automation is a process that involves 
i) people, paper and procedure
 ii) people, procedure and technology
iii)  man, machine and management
 iv)  people, procedure and production.  
d. Increased productivity, greater accuracy, lower clerical cost and ease of operations are the benefits of 
i) offices
ii)  organization
iii)   office automation
 iv)   planning. 
e. Monotonous job specialization can lead to  
i) boredom, frequent errors, high  personnel turnover and high training cost
ii) boredom, frequent errors, low personnel turnover and high training cost
 iii)  boredom, non frequent errors, high personnel turnover and low training cost
 iv)  boredom, frequent errors, high personnel turnover and low training cost. 

f. Clerical employees have often been  
i) displaced by computers
 ii) honored by computers
iii)  rewarded by computers
 iv)  dishonored by computers. 

g. Overvalued representation could be used in 
i) data manipulation
 ii) criminal manipulation
iii)  file manipulation
iv)  record manipulation.

Leson- 1
a. Data processing is done mostly on 
i) words
 ii) numerical data
iii)  letters
 iv)  logical data. 

b. Errors are relatively easy to locate in 
i)  data processing
 ii)  word processing
iii)  centralized processing
iv)  decentralized processing.

c.  A local Area Network (LAN) is a communication system that links together the devices located in a 
i) large area
ii) very large area
 iii)  small area
iv)  wide large area. 

d. Optical character readers (OCRs) scan the text optically 
i)  word by word
ii) page by page
iii)  character by character
 iv) sentence by sentence. 

e. OCRs can read at a rate up to  
i) 400 characters per second
 ii) 1400 characters per second
 iii)  2400 characters per second
iv)  2400 characters per minutes. 

f. Automatic paper feeding and copy counter are the features of 
i)  Photocopiers
 ii) OCRs
 iii)  Electronic printer
iv) Duplicators. 
g. An electronic typewriter can store 
i) 100 or fewer pages in its main memory
 ii)  200 or fewer pages in its main memory
 iii)  300 or fewer pages in its main memory
iv)  400 or fewer pages in its main memory. 

a. A word processor consist of  
i) 2 hardware components
 ii) 3 hardware components
 iii) 4 hardware components
iv) 5 hardware components. 

b.  Which of the following  hardware configurations are relatively easy to implement in the office environment. 
i) shared-logic systems
 ii) stand-alone systems
 iii)  shared-resource systems
 iv)  time-sharing systems. 

c. Better response time and higher reliability of operations are provided by 
i)  shared-resource systems
 ii)  shared-logic systems
 iii)  distributed-logic system
iv)  time-sharing system. 

d. A terminal containing own processor and memory is called 
i)  dumb terminal
 ii)  intelligenttermina
l iii)  virtual terminal
iv)  CRT terminal. 

a.  Creating documents for reproduction by means of photographic characters onto film is called 
i) phototypesetting
ii)  photo-composition
 iii)  electronic printing
 iv)  electronic filing. 

b. Phototypesetting was invented in the 
i) 1900s
ii) 1905s
iii)  1910s
iv) 1920s. 

c. An electronic printer usually copy and print 
i) 5 to 15 pages per minute
ii) 15 to 20 pages per minute
 iii)  35 to 50 pages per minute
 iv)  35 to 50 pages per second

a. Electronic mail is a system that delivers massages at 
i)  typing speed
 ii)  printing speed
 iii)  electronic speed
iv)  processing speed. 

b. One major advantage of e-mail over telephone is that 
i) sending party does not have to be present
 ii) receiving party does not have to be present
 iii)  receiving and sending party does not have to be present
 iv)  both party have to be present. 

c. Registered mail is an idea to allow the originator to know that 
i) his message has not arrived
 ii) his message has arrived
iii)  his message has been received
iv)  his message has been sent. 

d. What do you mean by CMS ?
i) Central Message System
 ii) Computerized Message Switching
 iii)  Central Message Switching
iv)  Computerized multi-tasking Syste

a. Exact and high resolution reproduction are provided by 
i) e-mail
 ii) micro-graphics
iii)  facsimile
iv) e-filing. 

b. Digital facsimiles are 
i) much faster than analog systems
 ii) slower than analog systems
 iii)  same as analog systems
iv) none of the above.  

c. The facsimile equipment may be divided into 
i)  2 types
ii  3 types
 iii)  4 types
iv)  5 types. 

d.  Central unit of facsimile equipment is capable of transmitting a   business letter  in 
i)   less than one minute
 ii)  less than 20 seconds
iii)  less than 30 seconds
 iv)   more than 30 seconds. 
e. Microforms are the  
i)  processed input
 ii)  processed output
 iii)  printed output
 iv)   incomplete output.
f.  CAR stands for 
i)  Computer Address Register
ii)  Computer Assisted Retrieval
 iii)  Computer Aided Retrieval
iv)  Central Address Register. 

g.  COM stands for 
i)  Computer Output Microfilm
 ii)  Computer Output Microfiche
 iii)  Computer Oriented Microfilm
iv)  Computer Originated Mail.

a. Digital voice is the recording of voice messages in
i)  analog form
ii)  digital form
iii)  written form
iv)  printed form. 

b. Centralized dictation is a system that can simultaneously 
i)   send dictation
 ii)   receive dictation
 iii)  transform dictation
 iv)  change dictation. 
c. Which of the following has a database containing a large number of text  messages? 
i)   Teleconferencing
ii)   Computerized teleconferencing
iii)  Digital voice
iv)  Micrographics. 
d. Which of the following two languages are supported by COM  developed by Stockholm university? 
i)   French  and English
 ii)   Swedish and English
 iii)  Arabic and English
iv)  English and Bengali. 

e. The COM system of Stockholm university using English language has  about
i)   500 members from a dozen countries
ii)   1000 members from a dozen countries
iii)  1500 members from a dozen countries
iv)  2500 members from a dozen countries

a. Which spreadsheet program was developed first? 
i) Lotus 1-2-3
ii) PeachCalc
iii) VisiCalc
iv) Microsoft Excel. 

b. Which pair of individuals is most closely associated with the development of the first spreadsheet ?
i) Woznick and Jobs
ii) Bricklin and Frankston
iii) Burns and Allen
iv) Boole and Babbage. 

c. An electronic spreadsheet is superior to manual calculations because:  
i) The spreadsheet computes faster
 ii) The spreadsheet computes its results more accurately
 iii) The spreadsheet automatically recalculates whenever any data are changed
 iv) all of the above

a.  Which of the following is not a part of the Excel window? 
i) Toolbar
 ii) Chart
iii) Worksheet
iv) Cell. 

b.  The Excel worksheet size is 
i) 256 row × 8192 column
ii) 256 column × 8192 row
 iii) 256 row × 16384 column
iv) 256 column × 16384 row. 

c.  The column number of the 35th column is 
i) Z9
ii) A35
iii) AI
iv)  None of the above

a.  A formula begins with 
i)  =
 ii)  ×
 iii)  +
iv)  -.

b. Arithmetic operators perform basic  
i)  mathematical operations
 ii)  logical operation
iii)     boolean operation
iv)     none of the above

a.   The Custom Header/Footer window contains 
i)  2 sections
ii)  3 sections
iii) 4 sections
 iv)  none of the above. 

b.    Which of the following are shown when a numeric entry do not fit in the cell? 
i)  a series of $ $ $
 ii)  a series of # # #
iii) a series of % % %
 iv)  none of the above

a.    A chart is a  
i)  Graphic representation of worksheet data.
 ii)  Bitmap representation of worksheet data.
iii) Character representation of worksheet data.
iv)  None of the above. 

 b.    How many types of chart are there in Excel? 
i)  6
ii)  9
iii) 15
iv)  25.  

a.   Pieces of information called  
i)   data
 ii)   database
 iii)   DBMS
iv)   none of the above.

b.  Accuracy of the data ensures. 
i)  data integrity
 ii)  data definition
 iii)      data manipulation
iv)  data maintenance. 

c.   Which one is a free database system?  
i)  Oracle
 ii)  Microsoft SQL server
iii)   Sybase
iv)    MySQL

a.   Table is a set  
i)   columns
 ii)   rows
iii)   columns and rows
 iv)   field. 

 b.   File extension of Microsoft Access database  
i)  .mdb
 ii)  .dbf
 iii)   .txt
iv)  .exe

c.   The core component of database is  
i)  table
ii)  form
 iii)   report
 iv)  query. 

a.   Which one is the foundation of an Access Database?   
i)   tables
ii)   forms
iii)   queries
iv)   none of the above. 

b.  Memo data type can store  
i)  up to 64,000 characters
 ii)  up to 44,000 characters
iii)       up to 60,000 characters
 iv)  up to 6,000 characters

a.  Each time you apply a filter to a column. 
i)  it replaces any previous filter you applied to that column.
 ii)  it does not replaces any previous filter you applied to that column.
iii)  it replaces record.
 iv)  none of the above. 

 b.   You can apply a filter to see. 
i) only records which you want to view. 
ii) only field which you want to view.
 iii)  only table which you want to view.
 iv) none of the above. 

c.   When sorting records you can view.   
i) a column of information.
 ii) one record of information.
 iii)  all record of information.
iv)   a column of information in order

Leson 9.2
a.   An index helps to find and sort records. 
i)   faster
ii)   slower
iii)   similar
 iv)   none of the above.

b.  Which one is the most common type of relationship? 
i)  one to many relationship
ii)  one to one relationship
 iii)   many to many relationship
iv)  two to one relationship. 

c.   You can create indexes based on. 
i)  a single field
 ii)     on multiple fields
iii)   bothi and ii
 iv)    none of the above

Leson 10.1
a.   How many types of queries have in Microsoft Access? 
i)   4
ii)   5
 iii)   6
iv)   3.  

b.  Which query allow many records to be changed at one time instead of single record   
i)  action query
 ii)  select query
iii)   parameter query
 iv)  crosstab query.

Leson 10.2
a.   Which format returns all records that end with the value you enter? 
i)   like "*" & [Prompt] & "*"
ii)   like "*" & [Prompt]
 iii)   like [Prompt] & "*"
iv)  > [Prompt].

  b.   How you can create a parameter query? 
i)  by enclosing a question in  []
 ii)  by enclosing a question in ()
 iii)   by enclosing a question in {}
 iv)    none of the above

Leson 10.3
a.   Selection criteria are   
i)   case sensitive
ii)   not case sensitive
iii)   any one of the above.
 iv)   none of the above.  

b.  Like "J?m" finds which three character    
i)  Jim
 ii)  jam
iii)   joy
iv)  bothi and ii.
Unit -11
a.   Navigation button is visible 
i)   design time
ii)   form view
iii)   bothi and ii
 iv)   none of the above. 

b.  Which control display a list of items from which you can select one? 
i)  list Box
ii)  check box
 iii)   picturebix
 iv)  shape control. 

c.  Field in each record appear in row and column format with one record in each row and one field in each column  
i)  autoform columnar
 ii)  autoform tabular
iii)   autoform datasheet
 iv)    autoform PivotTable

Leson 11.2
a.   Each field appears on a separate line with a label to its left 
i)   autoReport: Columnar
ii)   autoReport: Tabular
 iii)   autoReport: Datasheet
iv)   none of the above. 

 b.   Report must have a   
i)  detail section
 ii)  page header section
 iii)   page footer section
iv)  report header.
Leson 11.3
a.  Generally which control is used for separating different types of data? 
i)   line
ii)   rectangle
 iii)   list box
iv)   bothi and ii 

b.  To calculate a grand total for all records in a report add text box to the 
i)  header of a report
 ii)  footer of a report
iii)   header or footer of a report
iv)  page header of a report

Answers to MCQ : 


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