
Showing posts from June, 2018

DCSA---Office Automation--1302(MCQ)

Page 01-18 Unit 1 Lesson 1 MCQ Answer: A-ii, B-ii, C-i (Page-05) Unit 1 Lesson 2 MCQ Answer: A-i, B-iii, C-ii, D-iii, E-I, F-i, G-iv (Page-11, 12) Unit 1 Lesson 3 MCQ Answer: A-i, B-ii, C-ii (Page-18) Computer Programming (1303); Page 01-23 Unit 1 Lesson 1 MCQ Answer: 1-D, 2-A, 3-A (Page-04) Unit 1 Lesson 2 MCQ Answer: 1-C, 2-A, 3-C, 4-C, 5-A (Page-07) Unit 2 Lesson 3 MCQ Answer: 1-A, 2-D, 3-A (Page-16) Unit 2 Lesson 4 MCQ Answer: 1-D, 2-B, 3-A (Page-23). Automation  -MCQ -By Mahfuzur Rahman Unit-1 Leson-1 a. The use of office automation technology made prices lower by  i)  10 to 20 percent   ii)  10 to 30 percent  iii)  30 to 40 percent iv)  45 to 65 percent.   b. Office automation facilitates the task of   i) officers ii) managers  iii)  clerks  iv) peons.  c. Operating cost per hour of work declines with the use of   i) office automa...

DCSA~Office Automation--1302

Previous question: What do you understand by COM? Describe it briefly.    Answer : The COM recorder thus becomes an alternate to paper printer as a way of      producing output. Film may be in the form of roll or microfiche. It is a recent equipment named computer output microfilm (COM). A computer output microfilm equipment integrates computer and microfilm technologies. A document is read (or keyed) into the computer and a microfilm recorder receives the output information either directly from the computer (on-line mode) or through a tape drive (off-line mode). The recorder displays the information as characters on a screen. A high speed camera takes a picture of the displayed information. The film is processed either in the recorder itself or in a separate automatic film developer. Although the initial cost of such equipment is very high, the cost of film is relatively cheaper and the system provides relatively fast output. A single COM recorder can p...